What happens when you combine movie star good looks with sheer brutality? Ama Rio happens. Wasting no time at all, the beautiful Ama Rio hammers away at her victim with a powerful right cross to the jaw with her classic red boxing gloves. Ama immediately follows it with a left hook and then a right cross, as it is evident that she is far more than just a pretty face. Ama undoubtedly is deriving sexual pleasure from inflicting immense pain to her opponent as she states, “This is going to be a fun time,” while she hammers away at her adversaries’ belly with punches and kicks. Ama admires her work as her victim’s face is “Getting nice and red for me” while she continues to inflict massive damage. Mixing in sadistic body shots to the belly and power shots to the jaw, Ama is clearly out to cause permanent trauma. Continuing the onslaught, Ama delivers a vicious right hand that sends Brian staggering on his feet, astonished that he is still able to stand after the brutal onslaught she has delivered thus far. Finally, a savage right hand drops Brian to the floor as he can’t withstand any more pain from the merciless beatdown Ama has delivered. Begging for mercy, Brian pleads with Ama to “finish me”; as Ama says, “night night,” and delivers the sadistic knockout punch dropping him like a bad habit. Ama states in an orgasmic voice, “That was a lot of fun,” as she stands on the pile of battered flesh flexing and kissing her biceps in victory.