Scissor queen, ballbuster, choke-out artist and brutal blue-belt ju jitsu domination specialist Dia Zerva, in red-white-and-blue bikini, hisses at her slave in this POV remastered HD version of two earlier savage tapes, “Are you anticipating a beatdown?” Dia the Executrix delivers, blasting bare feet into his balls before pounding his gut red with tape-wrapped fists! She pummels him with feet and hands then locks up her huge thighs for a standing headscissors, punching, slapping and stomping his nuts! Dia clamps on a front scissor, cooing “I’ll just pound my THIGHS on your head!” Making him kneel, Dia slams his nut sack with savage kicks, then faces him to camera, saying “I want to my viewers to see me choke you!” as her gagging triangle chokes do just that! Sultry Dia’s luscious ass smothers him as she ballbusts him again then clamps on a triangle choke and more quad-popping headscissors, the big dope saying “You can’t squeeze hard enough!” So Dia clamps on a frightening reverse figure four that nearly snaps his neck! “I wanna make sure assholes like you NEVER have children,” she snarls, destroying his babymakers with powerful kicks and punches! “Time for you to suffer in another choke!” Dia growls, her front face scissor crushing his screaming skull, then finishes him in a sleeper, snarling “Good night, l’il bitch!” choking and dropping him to the mat! “Do YOU have what it fucking takes to take my scissors, my punches, my kicks, my ballbusting?” she growls at the camera. The wrong answer could cost you your life!