“Does Scarlett Devine Dream of Electric Sheep?”
No, you pussies. She dreams of choking your ass out and snapping that neck like a replica boa constrictor. As homage to the fetish-lovers psy-fi flick, instead of a pale strung-out gymnast, Scarlett Devine is the big-bosomed “sleeping” assassin in MMA Domination Playland.
You know Scarlett. She loves to play rough. She is hungry to feel her fists clench until her knuckles are flushed and blood red. She’s itching for her quads to tighten and lift, tingling throughout to strike and watch that puny male flesh ripple like a boulder being thrown into a tiny puddle. She’s still as a China doll until you start playing with her hair, assuming she, like so many frilly glass-eyed pets, won’t play back. The rougher the better.
Scarlett begins the torture with a surprise kick to the belly and lands upon her victim with a crushing schoolgirl pin. His arms fail, his legs thrash helplessly. The body beneath her heaves. It’s pure enjoyment when she grabs him by the hair and shoves his head between her standing legs to twist his arms behind his back. Then it’s one leg scissor after another. Scarlett flips him around and he’s a ragdoll, helpless and pathetic to do anything but stay where she puts him. Every murmur of pain makes her chuckle. She laughs at his feeble attempts to resist. He’s no Blade runner, the puny human.
With ridiculous ease, Scarlett’s legs squeeze and mangle her victim’s body and his will slowly fades. When she’s had her fill of fun and grown tired of pulling the limbs off this tepid bug, she must do away with him. Back on her throne, she lures him into her clutches. Will he survive to be toyed with again or will she end his misery with a smile and a shrug? Everything has it’s time to die.
June 24, 2016
Amazonbad girls fightingbeatdown reversalbikini beatdownBlade Runnerblue ballscan't hit a girlcan't hit a womandomination submissionfemale fighter fetishfemale fightersgetting kicked by a womangetting punched by a womangetting submitted by a womanktfoman abused by womanmixed martial arts fetishmma fetishMuscular womenno mercypoor white boy ktfoqueen of the ringreverse domestic violencesadistic womenScarlett Devinesexiest women in martial artsultimate fighting fetishviolence against menviolent videoswhite boy blue facewomen fighters