Dressed in her sexy red lingerie and high heels, the world famous Scissor Goddess, Extreme Electra, once again reprises the infamous role of Xenia Onatopp from Goldeneye. Leaping onto her prey, Electra grabs him by the throat and says, Ive got some surprising things in store for you. Alluring her prey with the promise of sex, Electra forces him to feel and worship her revered thighs as she commands him to feel how strong my legs are. Demanding the hidden keycard, Electra begins to interrogate her reticent target and establish dominance by methodically cranking her victims neck in a figure four headscissors. As Electra continues to probe for the elusive keycard, she becomes infuriated that the arrogant prick has the audacity to say make me. Electra gladly obliges, as she crushes his skull in a merciless reverse figure four. Realizing that the perpetrator is lying to her about the location of the keycard, the muscular beauty becomes ENRAGED as she traps him in a school girl pin, and amps up the immense pressure of her powerful thighs. Electra loathes liars and her only interest now is to exterminate her prey any way possible. Finally obtaining the keycard, the pathetic moron begs for mercy; but Electra desires to have more fun for the sheer sexual thrill, and to assassinate her prey. Describing how to properly put a slaves lights out by squeezing an artery hard enough to cutoff circulation to his brain, Electra makes good on her promise as she delivers two 100% REAL scissor knockouts; as the original Bond girl turned Executrix has once again completed her mission. The names Electra, Extreme Electra.
May 22, 2016
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