World renowned Scissor Goddess Skylar Rene reprises the infamous role of Xenia Onatopp from Goldeneye. Leaping onto the bed Skylar uses her muscular thighs to squeeze the information she needs out of her unsuspecting prey. Starting with muskelreiten ("muscle-riding"), painfully digging her knees deep into his biceps as she chokes him with her bare hands. Trapping his head in a school girl pin Skylar demands to get the passcode that she needs as she uses her massive quads to crush his skull with immense pressure. Sensuously sliding from a variety of scissorholds Skylar obliterates his neck with her unparalleled leg strength. Rolling around the bed in her purple lingerie that reveals her glorious ass and fishnet stockings, it is very apparent that Skylar is not satisfied with simply just getting the information she needs. His neck trapped in a figure four Skylar provocatively tells him Ive been assassinating people for years. Knowing his fate is sealed, he is foolish to acquiesce with Skylars request for the passcode, and begs for mercy, this Bond girl turned executrix is incapable of mercy, as she squeezes the last breath from his lungs, and successfully completes another mission.
May 27, 2016
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