The music plays, and Miss Jasmine, clad in red boxing gloves and purple Muay Thai shorts, immediately punches you and laughs at your pain. Promising her a good workout, the Asian Dominatrix Jasmine is less than impressed with your feeble tolerance for punishment. Brutal kicks to your shins; the mixed martial arts practitioner is hellbent on destruction. Apathetically asking, “How are you feeling now?” Miss Jasmine’s appetite begins to whet for sadism. Continuing your beating, Jasmine finds your mere presence disrespectful. “Down you go,” states Jasmine as you crumble to the floor from an uppercut to the jaw. Punches and kicks to the belly: the offensive onslaught ensues as you are clearly outclassed by this female supremacist. Delivering the lethal knockout blow, Miss Jasmine stands atop your battered body and flexes in victory as you lie there, not just beaten down but with a full-blown attitude adjustment.