Princess Onyx Kim Is One Bad Korean
The last thing you’d ever think of a Korean is bad. They’re pretty, nice, respectful, and sound amazing.
Not this Korean.
This one’s one bad Korean.
That’s not to say Princess Onyx Kim isn’t any of the previously mentioned traits. Pretty? check! Nice? Sure, when she feels like it. Sound amazing? Yeah, if you’re into light girly voices while getting pummeled to the ground. Respectful? Hmmm…
Despite her height (5’8”), she only weighs a measly 130 lbs. which makes her look petite. She’s got it all: beautiful eyes, a great smile, a nice body, an ass that just won’t quit and legs a mile long.
It’s when she says: “It’s so relaxing to have a submissive little bitch to squeeze between my thighs on this lovely afternoon” that you realize she’s a breed apart from the rest of the K-pop crowd.
She’s more of the bone pop crowd.
She’ll call you her bitch pet and laugh when you turn purple between her mean thighs. No, wait… she calls them her mean toned thighs. And she delivers anaconda leg locks with them.
Her scissors are dangerous not only because of the amount of pressure she can deliver but also because she drops her entire leg onto your face before locking you up. It may not look like much but repeated delivery of blows in this manner can take its toll on anyone.
She’s blunt force trauma in a small package.
A mini destroyer.
Princess Onyx Kim.
She’s the Bad Korean.