I’m never going to say the words “You punch like a girl” ever again.
After seeing what Sunni Ray can do, the thought of mistaking a blonde, any blonde woman for a helpless damsel in dire need is completely out of my mind.
This is Sunni Ray, a golden goddess standing 5’8” and 160 lbs. of female power. Her perfect proportions make her look deceptively normal… small even. Until you’re up close and personal and she’s looking you in the eye.
Sunni can easily tie you up with her long arms and legs. Her powerful thighs can deliver a mean scissor that can crush you like an aluminum can.
She also delivers short solid punches to the arms, chest, and inner thighs showing Sunni’s ability to slowly and methodically demolish her opponent to pieces.
The sound of leather hitting flesh, hollowed thumps signaling the sound of internals being rearranged, and groans and grunts as affirmations, confirmations of pain received with every blow can make even the most casual observer curl up in a protective ball.
And if you really ask for it, she can hit you in the face too. She may be sweet in person, but she can deliver the goods when needed or asked for.
In the end, if you’re looking to have a great day, call Sunni Ray. She’ll drive the clouds away albeit in a painful manner.