Japanese and Cubans are known for their fight culture. The Japanese are known for their savagery, discipline and martial arts. Cubans on the other hand are known for being relentless scrappers who never back down from a fight.
So, there’s that.
And there’s Willow Lansky.
She’s got those two cultures running through her veins.
It shows.
It’s a beautiful mix.
That’s why she’s an international beauty pageant queen and a fighter. She’s also a veteran model and a boxer. She’s Beauty with a raging bull hidden well within.
Willow’s extremely toned body is a product of going to the gym daily. She may be listed at 5’7” – 5’8” but she still manages to list herself as a size 0 as she barely clears a 100 pounds on the weighing scale.
I wonder how much those 32 DDs figure into the whole weight package…
Willow doesn’t waste time landing a high number of punches on a very specific target: the chest. Each punch is delivered at high velocity from a very short distance.
Each one lands exactly where she wants it.
The same spot.
Each time.
Every time.
The entire session is a showcase of her power and precision. Her determination to pepper punches on the body and mix it up with a few to the face, specifically the jaw. She also manages to throw in a few kicks.
And always on the crotch.
Through it all she demands: “Keep a smile on your face”
And you better.