Starting the scene with her prey already ensnared in a figure four headscissors, the sinister Extreme Electra has decided, “We should play a little game”. The game is “Scissor Jail” and the rules are simple, how long can she keep her slave trapped between her thighs before he either gives up or suffers a knockout. Crushing her victim’s skull in-between her unsurpassed thighs in a straight headscissors, Electra counts to 30 as she refuses to break the hold. As her victim makes it through the first test without tapping, Electra ups the ante as she clamps on a reverse figure four and entraps her submissive even longer. Frantically tapping after only 6 seconds, the sadistic Electra says, “You gotta make it through a whole minute". Failing his dominatrix, Electra is furious her slave only lasted 33 seconds in the hold before the first 100% REAL knockout. The diabolical Electra clamps on a straight throatscissor without relinquishing, despite her victim’s struggles for mercy, delivering her second 100% REAL knockout 20 seconds into the hold. Continuing the savage onslaught, Electra forces her prey to endure over a minute of a standing reverse headscissors. As she methodically metamorphosis to a figure four, Electra cuts off his oxygen by pinching her preys nose shut, delivering her third 100% REAL scissor knockout. As she apathetically asks “Did you pass out?”, the heartless Goddess grabs her slave by the neck in a chokehold stating, “There is more where that came from”. Prompting the idiot to arrogantly state, “You can’t make me pass out ", the competitive Electra chokes him by the throat with both feet; placing her Hands over mouth, she mockingly says, “He’s panicking”. Locking on a reverse headscissor, Electra exclaims, “Alright you loser, I’m going to finish you once and for all”; squeezing with immense pressure, Electra delivers her fourth and final 100% REAL knockout, sending her slave to sleep for good- posing on the comatose body in victory.
May 22, 2016
bad girls fightingbeatdown reversalbikini beatdowncan't hit a girlcan't hit a womandomination submissionExtreme Electrafemale fighter fetishfemale fightersgetting kicked by a womangetting punched by a womangetting submitted by a womanKnockoutktfoman abused by womanmixed martial arts fetishmma fetishMuscular womenno mercyqueen of the ringREAL Knockoutreverse domestic violencesexiest women in martial artsultimate fighting fetishviolence against menviolent videoswomen fighters